Conversation Between Delenda Carthago and Ismail

  1. Ismail
    Check out William Ash's Pickaxe and Rifle, it is of some value:
  2. Delenda Carthago
    Look: I want to learn about socialist Albania because I think it is a very interesting example of working class power.Are you willing to help me or not?
  3. Ismail
    I'm aware of that work, I don't "need" it.
  4. Delenda Carthago
    You are not helping much. Do you need this link?
  5. Ismail
  6. Delenda Carthago
    A.You had mentioned somewhere that the albanian people were heavily armed during socialism. There was also a quote that was like "neither Brehzniev, neither anyone else could have had such trust in the people to give them so many weapons".

    B. Do you have any documents on the democratic funtions of the albanian's socialism? Anything that would fight the bureocrat "dictatorship of the party" accusations.
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