Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and Rafiq

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Feel free to join this group for more discussion:
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    Care to join the single-party state discussion in Politics, comrade?
  3. Rafiq
    Nvm, found it.
  4. Rafiq
    I can't find it... Link?
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    Did you read my CSR commentary critiquing Bordiga? It's in Chapter 5 of that pamphlet: ""Social-Abolitionist" Enemy of Proletarian Democracy."
  6. Rafiq
    What's your opinion of Amadeo Bordiga? (And, note, if you oppose his tactics, what of his style of writing and his overall take on Marxist thought?)
  7. Rafiq
    What are you referring to?
  8. Die Neue Zeit
    Calm down, comrade. You need to learn to combine scathing critiques with diplomacy in dealing with tendencies you disagree with. Take my instances with left-coms as a constructive example.
  9. Rafiq
    Yes, it's been quite a while since I've dumped the council fetishism
  10. Die Neue Zeit
    Moving further away from councils? That's a good sign, comrade!
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