Conversation Between Remus Bleys and Questionable

  1. Remus Bleys
    Sources for this book, marxist philosophy, still being taught throughout the stalin era and having the neg of the neg. You've simply stated this.
    You know questionable, its late and i really don't want to have to go through everything stalin wrote right now - hes a shit writer already. So I really won't respond till you answer my question./
  2. Questionable
    Source for what? Stalin being censored? The last volume was published in 1959, and then it was discontinued without being completed. That's why many historians, both Marxist and not, are so interested in getting his works translated to English, because there's still very much out there which hasn't been seen.

    You're still ignoring what I'm saying. If Stalin dropped the negation of the negation, and if he did it so thoroughly that he didn't feel it necessary to even censor it anymore, why can't you produce any evidence for this? Without Stalin explicitly saying "The negation law is not true," how on earth could people who read his Collected Works or the Leningrad Textbook ever know? Where was the communication regarding this decision? There exists none, because it's all bullshit.

    I've given you two sources. Both the Leningrad Textbook of Marxist Philosophy and Stalin's own "Anarchism or Socialism" mention the negation.
  3. Remus Bleys
    Still you never actually provided sources for any of your claims. You've simply said they included the neg of the neg way back when.
  4. Remus Bleys
    Source for this other than furr or hoxha.
    Stalin. Allowed publication of dialectics because he already stripped it.
    I really mjust insist you answer me or I shan't reply to you. This is me saying this now, before you respond, for all to see if you can answer this or not.
  5. Questionable
    That said, you've once again fallen back on conspiracy theories. Now that you've been confronted with contradictory evidence, your argument is that everyone already knew the negation of the negation had been discredited, therefore there was no need for censorship (A curious argument, since the USSR was never a stranger to censoring ideals it considered revisionist). You are unable, however, to produce a single shred of evidence that such a massive event ever occurred. Not one. Nothing from Stalin, nothing from other government figures, not even a note from Soviet professors saying "Hey don't teach that anymore."

    When it comes to a society as widely studied and documented as the Soviet Union, I'm sure even your dogmatic mind could understand why I'm hesitant to believe such garbage.
  6. Questionable
    Why not ask ourselves why the Second International did not censor Marx and Engels? It was because in practice they had already stripped Marxism of its revolutionary content, and their teachings were paraded around as empty slogans that had no impact on practice. The same thing happened with the Soviet revisionists.

    There was actually mass censorship of Stalin, who represented the actual application of Leninism. The publication of his life works in volumes was stopped, and the publications already available were banned. Attacking Lenin would have damaged their legitimacy in the eyes of the communist world, so the revisionists instead attacked Stalin, who was a pupil of Lenin and represented Leninism in its fullest practice, while relegating Lenin himself to the status of a harmless icon. It should be noted that the Soviets in Stalin's time actually consulted the writings of Lenin for guidance, while the revisionists made him subordinate to realpolitik and geopolitics.

  7. Remus Bleys
    So why did Stalin ever right on dialectics at all?
    Now Im on a computer Ill do more research on this book.
    Why didn't post-stalin not censor lenin? why did post stalin not censor marx? At that point, there was no need to. The ideology had already been determined.
  8. Questionable
    It was taught in school, my source is a 1944 Soviet textbook...

    Presumably Stalin did not mention it because it would be redundant to do so when everyone in the USSR already accepted it.

    You still have yet to explain why the USSR sent inaccurate info to the CPs, or or why they didn't censor "Anarchism or Socialism" in Stalin' Collected Works, which was published as late as the 1940s. Didn't you say you were going to address those questions?
  9. Remus Bleys
    again, that was written in 1906 or 7 whatever.
    This conversation cannot move forward until you provide sources for your shit about how it was taught in schools, and answer my question on why stalin did not include it.
  10. Questionable
    Hey, Stalin actually does mention the negation in "Anarchism or Socialism," which was published in his collected works post-war. Similar to the textbook, one would think that it would be edited out if it was considrred evil.
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