Conversation Between Dean and Havet

  1. Havet
    Hey comrade, where have you been? I miss your provoking posts in my threads
  2. Dean
    The world is not black and white. Just because I prefer democracy doesn't mean that I support the policies - or even necessarily the populist positions - in the most democratic states today.

    I'm very disappointed in you, because you've laid the framework for your attack on one of the most rudimentary logical fallacies: guilt by association.

    If you reread my post, I don't think you'll find any valuation for the racist policies of the given regimes.
  3. Havet
    I think you should re-define your concept of absurd. Also, re-read carefully my last post. Everything I had to say in that thread has been said, and any more dwelling on it is just misinterpreting what has been said, whether its on your part or mine.
  4. Dean
    I try to give credit where its due.
  5. Havet
    Ha! You thanked one of my posts! There is hope, after all...^^
  6. Dean
    Hey hayenmill,
    You really piss me off a lot and I know I react harshly sometimes. I frequently type out messages wherein I call you some name, and then go back and delete them because I know it doesn't help. It's just very frustrating, I feel like its impossible to get through to you. And the fundamental issue always seems to be that I blame all different kinds of power structures, whereas you tend to blame solely the state, especially in cases where the state has had some effect. The way I look at it, all of these structures - state and private firms - are driven by the profit motive and therefore use their power to exact their own hegemony and perpetuation of their power systems.

    In any case, don't take it personally when I am crass. I'll continue to try to be civil - it gets hard after a while, but don't think that I'm blaming you for it.

    That is all.
  7. Dean
    Alright. I still think you should reconsider explaining your own ideas rather than linking to those of others. I don't want to follow the links, as I have before, and then, in criticizing them, have to deal with the fact that they are not, in fact, expressing your specific ideas. It's fine to provide them as supportive evidence, but you understand my frustration.
  8. Havet
    I don't know about you, but it gets tiresome to argue with people which are not open to reason. That said, I am going to answer your question, but in due time. As you can see, I am replying to several others at the same time.
  9. Dean
    So, do all of your arguments eventually degrade into "I don't know what I think / how to explain what I think, but please read these articles"? If so, I really feel sorry for you. Such an intense focus on defensive, insubstantial arguments can't be very fulfilling.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9