Conversation Between GallowsBird and Lenina Rosenweg

  1. GallowsBird
    Thanks for the suggestions; I'll look out for them. Thank you for the links as well, they are much appreciated.
  2. Lenina Rosenweg
    You might or might not know about this

    Its a great site for downloading free leftist books and documentaries. Some of the books don't look too good but there is a lot of good stuff there.

    There's also this. It loads slowly and sometimes my computer freezes but they have some good
    stuff. its a good resource
  3. Lenina Rosenweg
    I haven't read history per see recently. I have read about half of "Blood Rituals" by Chris Knight, Its a fascinating feminist-Marxist view of human evolution. I recommend it but it does bog down in places. I've assimilated his basic theory.I'm currently reading "Wretched of the Earth" by Frantz Fanon.

    A few months ago I read "Stalin and German Communism" by Ruth Fischer. she was an ultra-left head of the KPD . She is very anti-Stalin ,she may be somewhat self serving herself.She moved to the US and in the 50s she informed on her brother who was part of the DDR. The book though is a fascinating history of German communism from 1919 to the late 20s.She knew everybody, from Rosa L. to Thaelman.

    A few months ago I read Hobsbawm's "The Short Twentieth Century". the guy's a good writer but politically is all over the place. I'm not sure if he could really be considered a Marxist but he makes for a fun read.Having said that his autobiography, "Living In Interesting Times" is amazing,
  4. GallowsBird
    Have you read any good historical books recently, that you'd suggest reading? Or documentaries I should look out for?
  5. Lenina Rosenweg
    I like 19th and 20th century history.19th century Russian history. I'm also fascinated by the development of global systems. I've recently read "Europe and the People Without History" by Eric Wolf about pre-Western global networks.The world was "globalized" long before the 16th century, European imperialists hijacked this.
  6. GallowsBird
    Ah, I see. Well we share a passion as teaching history is something I'd like to do. My main eras are the Early Middle Ages, The Industrial Revolution and the Early 20th Century (especially the world wars and the Russian and Chinese revolutions). What are yours?
  7. Lenina Rosenweg
    History is my passion but now I teach ESL and Business English. That's where the demand is right now, unfortunately.
  8. GallowsBird
    What are you a teacher of? If you don't mind me asking? Are you an history teacher, as most history teachers I know are communists? Not that it is good to generalise.
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