Conversation Between black_tar_heroin and black magick hustla

  1. black magick hustla
    21th century dictates that real friends are fb friends havent u been through college its what ppl use to hook up and when theyre weiners and dont ask for cellphone no.
  2. Facebook makes my self-aggrandizing even more noticeable.
  3. black magick hustla
    yea well u told me to get fucked, and you arent my fb friend
  4. And I resent that you snitched on me but you didn't snitch on that Stalinoidgoth Irish weirdo.

    And I bet I'm better looking than her, plus I'm smarters . _.
  5. Self-flagellate for 10 minutes followed by 13 Hail Marys.
  6. black magick hustla
    i first typed "u fuck me first" instead of "you get fucked" but then i edited it out because i saw your gender (thought u were a dude at first) and thought it might be construed as sexual harrasment sry i had to empty my guts because i feel bad for being naughty
  7. snitches get stitches
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