Conversation Between Bad Grrrl Agro and Brandon's Impotent Rage

  1. Brandon's Impotent Rage
    Well, the racism down here in the South has become taboo to talk about publicly. It's still very much there, of course. We've made some great strides, but there's still a good deal of the old generation's racism in our city and state governments. Where I live, we still had a faux-Confederate emblem on our state flag until a few years ago.

    As for the religion thing....yeah, there's no doubt that the South is EXTREMELY religious. And it's predominantly protestant Christianity (I didn't meet a single Jewish person until I was in my 20s). Supposedly my town is one of the cities with more churches per square mile than many others in the world.
  2. Bad Grrrl Agro
    Well I don't think. lol But in all seriousness, the only thing I noticed personally is religion. People say racism, but I experienced more racism in the north than here in the south.
  3. Brandon's Impotent Rage
    So then let me ask you there anything in the South that you DON'T like? I'm pretty sure I can guess a couple of things, but I wanna hear what you think.
  4. Bad Grrrl Agro
    Biscuits and gravy are available where I'm from (Wisconsin) but they are made differently. I prefer them southern style. I have an ex-partner/friend that grew up here in Western North Cack and she said that she doesn't understand why I like the south, my response was because it is different than where I'm from. I'm happy that I am from the rust-belt, it helped to shape me as a person, but I don't want to live up there. Most people who have known me for years are mind-blown but I don't see it as surprising. I love the landscape. The accents of the south are beautiful. There is something about western NC that said to me "this is the place for you to be rooting."
  5. Brandon's Impotent Rage
    He also mentioned the food. Granted, most of what's known now as 'country cooking' is available nationwide...but there were certain things that he still had to get used grits, for example.
  6. Bad Grrrl Agro
    Everywhere is more laid back than NYC. But yes the south is more laid back than the midwest as well.
  7. Brandon's Impotent Rage
    I have an acquaintance who moved down to Atlanta from New York. He once told me that there were two things he immediately noticed once he got down here:

    1. Everyone seemed to be more 'laid back' and less stressed than he was used to.

    2. People on the road would not only let you pass them, but they would also slow down and let you go ahead of them.
  8. Bad Grrrl Agro
    The first time I was really spending time in what is considered the south by most people where I'm from was Texas. The shock between Texas and NC was bigger I feel. But I sooooo like the south better than staying in the midwest. I love the midwest, but I don't want to go back to live there again. I am working on moving into the city of Asheville though.
  9. Brandon's Impotent Rage
    So I gotta ask...when you first moved down here to the South, did you experience any kind of culture shock?
  10. Bad Grrrl Agro
    Well that is the best way.
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