Conversation Between Comrade_Stalin and Questionable

  1. Questionable
    I feel you, comrade.
  2. Comrade_Stalin
    Just between us Questionable I don't know if there is a point to me stating my view to anyone else the you. It only result it attack and name calling, even in our own group. But later I will answer your question.
  3. Comrade_Stalin
    I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I was attacking you for your question. I was merely pointing out the fact that if you use terms like "Stalin was still a desk worker" in your questions it might be perceived as an attack on anti-revisionism. This worker normally means a person who looks at meaningless reports and has no concept of how things work in the field. This can be seen as a form of elitism, and branding the founder of mental revisionism as an elitist does not go well with many in the in the group. Though I thank you for having an open mind about and not just closing out our group based on this misunderstanding.
  4. Comrade_Stalin
    I answed your question in the M-L group, not because I appreciated your tone of voice, but I hate it when questions go unanswered.
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