Conversation Between Reclaimed Dasein and Rascolnikova

  1. Reclaimed Dasein
    I think it's important to note, it's probably best I don't be seen on Revleft with rightwing riff-raff like you. Also, I hope to see you tomorrow. Enjoy work.
  2. Rascolnikova
    welcome to the central committee, comrade.
  3. Rascolnikova
    should work now
  4. Rascolnikova
    Keep checking it, I asked the admins to give you access, so they should get to that at some point. It's your interaction thread.
  5. Reclaimed Dasein
    Uh whatever that link was I don't have access.
  6. Rascolnikova
  7. Reclaimed Dasein
    Hey, I just started a mountain west leftist group. you should join.
  8. Rascolnikova
    You know, you could just call me. I don't think the protracted references to knowing each other in real life are really necessary.
  9. Reclaimed Dasein
    I suppose. Whey don't you end a bit of my stress and tell me when I need to pick you up from the airport?
  10. Rascolnikova
    I actually don't know how me and form stand, which I suppose makes clear where me and obliviousness stand. As far as asking to nominate, I think that's how it's most often done, don't worry about it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23