Conversation Between l'Enfermé and Deicide

  1. Greetings comrade! Glory to Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Patriotic People's Commisar for the Defense of the Soviet Union during the Gloriously Great Patriotic War of Patriotic Defense of the Great Soviet Mother-FatherLand, Scourge of Kulaks, Destroyer of Fascist-Anarcho-Capitalist-Trotskyo-Zinovievito-Bukharinite German-Japanese Spies and Saboteurs, Brilliant Genius of Humanity, Gardener of Human Happiness, Father of Nations, Great Architect of Happiness and Suffocater of the Capitalist Octopus!

    I like your posts also. We must create a new party, based on your principle of Socialism in One Party.
  2. I seem to agree with a lot of your posts. I'll throw you a FR.
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