Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and Patchd

  1. Haha. You cow! Totally didn't see the R.
  2. Patchd
    I'm a goddam crow you cow-lover!!
  3. I'm glad you're back on RevLeft, you thirsty cow!
  4. Patchd
    Whatever happened to Nox and Rosa Liechtenstein? Do you remember why they got banned? Omg I just saw why Nox got banned. wtf...

    And anyway I was thinking Nox was Noxion.
  5. Patchd
  6. Welcome back
  7. Patchd
    You're the only racist here. :P

    Anyway, if the privilege theory soldiers have anything to say, I trump most of them by being a gay half cast son of an immigrant to a single parent. +1 motherfuckers
  8. You suck!
  9. Do you think the racist abuse we give each other will go down well on our RevLeft profile pages?
  10. I'm awake, but not to drink vodka. Sorry geezer. What you doing tonight? x
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 121
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