Conversation Between Robocommie and Jacobinist

  1. Malcom X killer freed:

    Just to change subject.
  2. As I said before, I think civil rights affects everyone. But, Id bet money if I could, that many American blacks would disagree.
  3. Lolz not even comrade.

    "Should it be encouraged? No, of course not, it's a negative thing to do that in the long run, hurts their own interests because it shores up those of whites."

    Exactly. Which is why Im really shocked at why blacks would do such a thing. And, you said it yourself, what compells blacks to do such things? Religion? Media? Schools and their overall assessment that civil rights was a black issue?
  4. Robocommie
    You know, if you're going to insist on continuing to troll me on my user profile, the least you could do is try to at least comprehend what I'm writing. You're making a big deal about African-Americans and how they vote when it's not exclusive to African-Americans to vote against the interests of other oppressed minorities. Should it be encouraged? No, of course not, it's a negative thing to do that in the long run, hurts their own interests because it shores up those of whites. But that doesn't mean it makes any fucking sense to go on and on about how blacks do it, as if this was in some way a black thing.

    But you seem intent, more and more, on wanting to make it one, while spewing spastic insults like noob. What's next man? "I'm in yoor base, killin yoor doodz!"
  5. You cant seem to refute my points. Instead you just type up some bullshit about race relations when its obvious that most Blacks are not concious about the struggles of others currently underway.

    Real smart you braniac!!
  6. Blacks voted in favor of banning gay marriage.

    Blacks are in all likelyhood in favor of SB 1070, simply because they assume it wont affect them.

    Whites are afraid to say such things because of guilty consciences. Like yourself.
  7. Robocommie
    "So FAIL again noob."

    noob? You're a child.
  8. So blacks should jump ships when its convenient?

    Blacks should support rounding up latinos, because 'were in competition for jobs?' You obviously have the debate skills of an idiot.
  9. Oh and about Pollack. I asked a friend just now, whos a Pole, and he says Pollack is offensive. However, Polak is not, being that that is the way Pole is spelled in Polish.

    So FAIL again noob.
  10. Robocommie
    And furthermore, how the hell is this a surprise to you? If you knew anything about race and culture in America, you should have expected this. Just because whites benefit from ethnic tensions doesn't mean society works on a whites vs. everybody axis.
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