Conversation Between ВАЛТЕР and Workers-Control-Over-Prod

    Nope, same old stuff. I was supposed to go to a protest last Friday against the rehabilitation of the chetnik leader Draza Mihajlovic, but I ended up with a stomach virus and couldn't go. Other than that, nothing new here. All quite on the Serbian front. :/

    What about you? How are things? Did you get some of that snow in your part of the country? I heard it was pretty bad.
  2. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Hey, what's up, anything new at your end?
    Valter will be back one day...when he is needed most.
  4. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    I miss ВАЛТЕР.
    In the former Yugoslav states there are a lot of "communist" parties and groups, however many of them are revisionist and have laughable politics. They all took the correct stance of calling for a boycott of the elections, however, I think this is more of an attempt to save face by them since they wouldn't get very many votes since they are so very divided that each communist would vote for their own party. In Bosnia, their communist party actually got a place in the city congress in Banja Luka, which is rather impressive considering that this was their first year active. All in all the parties seem to be divided and ineffective at organizing. When there were strikes and occupations of workplaces in Croatia the communist parties weren't very active. In Serbia, when out farmers had a strike recently and blocked the streets with tractors, the communists weren't there. They sit on their hands and call for action from their offices.
  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Can you tell me about the current mass parties in the Balkan states comrade?
    Standard procedure for the IMF. Yugoslavia was the testing grounds for the methods they use to destabilize nations today.
  8. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    "There was a depression in the 80s caused by the IMF changing its policies towards Yugoslavia after Tito's death. Forcing up the interest rates to our actually laughable debt"

    Hmm... sounds familiar somehow...
    It is standard procedure for the ruling class of any nation to point the fingers at a scapegoat and say "that is the bad guy". This can only work so many times before people begin to realize that the "bad guy" isn't another worker of a particular race or nation, but the "bad guy" is the bosses. These same bosses gladly work with the people they accuse of causing the problem, so long as they are bourgeoisie themselves.
  10. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Ha! "Bothersome" You are funny! Not bothersome at all, we are leftists and only communication gets people political.
    I wouldn't say that the Bundeswehr is a mercenary army, the Leaders of the country are still tied to the people's opinions so Schröder for instance didn't go into the Iraq war and got reelected.
    Merkel said that the "Greeks need to take less vacations", the loyal media repeated that and aroused old racist sentiments into normality. My father repeats without any kind of restraint that "the greeks don't produce anything!"... it is a disaster to be honest. These bastards have knowingly refurnished the old fascist lies about lazy "southern Eiropeans" and strong northern Europeans. But on the other side, German workers know they have been getting fucked and that there are huge injustices in our society. Time has progresses and i hope that the 60's cultural revolution will prove to have modernised the population not to turn down the dark road of fascism again.
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