Conversation Between Caj and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. Caj
    Ok, I wasn't sure since you said you agreed with me, and I didn't explicitly state my position on the issue.
  2. Brosa Luxemburg

    BTW no I don't support the crushing of Kronstadt. Lol
  3. Caj
    That's an insult to TRA lol. This guy makes TRA look like Marx.
  4. Brosa Luxemburg
    Of course.

    BTW, I think we were right. MuscularTrophFan is another TRA for sure.
  5. Caj
    The justification for the bannings was about forum games being used to let fascists infiltrate the site or something like that. It was complete bullshit.
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
    Any reason, or was it reasons like Rooster got banned for. Basically they didn't do anything wrong, the mods and admins just wanted them gone.
  7. Caj
    A lot of good posters got banned for bullshit reasons.
  8. Brosa Luxemburg
    I wasn't on the site last December. What happened then?
  9. Caj
    For sure. And even then, the intellectual integrity of the site was lower than what it was before "the purges" last December.
  10. Brosa Luxemburg
    Also, does it just seem like this to me or has the intellectual integrity of this site taken a huge downturn since the bannings of Rooster, Railyon, etc?
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