Conversation Between Quail and Comrade Wolfie's Very Nearly Banned Adventures

  1. To quote John Lyly, 'all's fair in love and war'
  2. Quail
    There's nothing wrong with being upset, but guilt trips aren't fair.
  3. Sorry, how dare I feel upset, I should be happy. He's good.
  4. Quail
    I don't really appreciate guilt trips on the Pour Your Heart Out thread. I miss Lysander, I hope he's okay
  5. Why, I do belive that I am in love with you.
  6. Quail
    Balls, posted my reply onto my own wall *faceplam*

    You could have borrowed some lol :P
    Anyway, I'm going to go out now. Hope you had/have a good night yesterday/tonight
    Love you xox
  7. I handed them into the landlord, I am not silly.
  8. Quail
    Lol, silly Wolfie. Just call later when they get back. I'll just have to find somewhere quiet to answer my phone.
  9. Ok, well I'm not sure when I can call as everyone else is out, and I don't have any keys, so once I go out I can't get back in.
  10. Quail
    That's okay, I've given you my number on Rich's facebook so call me whenever, but bear in mind I'm going out. Meeting friends at 7.30. Hope you get this message or the facebook one. I miss you and Mr Baby haha. xoxox
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