Conversation Between AK and ComradeMan

  1. ComradeMan
    LOL!!! Never mind.... School is a blessing, be glad you can get an education. Look at it in a positive way, and then tell me I'm an old fart too... ha ha... Do you study duckology?
  2. It sucks, my school holidays end in two days...
  3. ComradeMan
  4. Quack!
  5. ComradeMan
  6. Yeah... jumping straight to collective ownership is gonna end up in an economic shit storm.
  7. ComradeMan
    PS- What did the Capitalist Duck say to his banker?

    My bill is bigger than yours.

    What did you call a Duck who makes Yiddish Jokes?

    A wisequacker....!

  8. ComradeMan
    You're welcome- you see how problematic is? Not just flag waving and stuff... not that you probably thought that anyway but a lot of people don't go beyond the t-shirt and the slogans.
  9. yeah, and thanks to another thread in OI Learning that im posting in, i understand the basic economic structure that the state will have to use. i understand now ^^ thanks comrademan
  10. ComradeMan
    All very worthy sentiments indeed. But what if the former government have fled and there are CIA or whoever backed insurgents trying to undermine you and a hostile country on one of your borders? You can't just snap your fingers and magic a new infrastructure, economy and social order- ever heard of 5 year plans? Money and resources will be flying out of your country like there's no tomorrow as the capitalists go on the run and you will find yourself having to take temporary measures to stop this.
    Not trying to run you down by the way, just trying to show you what usually happens based on your point.... do you see what I mean?
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