Conversation Between Lee Van Cleef and Hiero

  1. Lee Van Cleef
    Thanks! I'll have to look into some of this literature when I get the chance.
  2. Hiero
    Hey I am a anthropology student. What I find is that Marxism is taking up in such a reductionist way that it reduces people to hollow subjects who just represent the structure. That is the point I was making in that thread on the mugging. You can talk about the background issues, but that does not explain why people bash each other up or at least the styles they do it. I will send you a PM from my honours thesis that mentions some of the Bourdieu inspired literature that is helpfull in this tastk of getting to the embodied experiences of subjugated people.
  3. Lee Van Cleef
    I just now read the second page of that thread about racial violence, and you were right on the money. I assume your background is in anthropology? I'm an undergrad anthropology student, myself. I've read the Bourgois book on crack-selling, and just this semester I've read some of Bourdieu's work on misrecognition.

    I agree that Marxism would do well to incorporate aspects of anthropological analysis, since all too often our analysis turns lazy and suffers from class determinism. Revleft certainly needs more Marxist anthropologists.
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