Conversation Between Hoxhaist and Kassad

  1. Hoxhaist
  2. Kassad
    The Commie Club admits people who are active in revolutionary struggle and how an exceptional grasp of socialist theory. You're incredibly new, so give it some time. Make sure you follow the rules, post logically and be descriptive in your posts. Avoid one-liners. If you follow these suggestions, along with your consistent contributions to the board, I'm sure you'd make a great addition.
  3. Hoxhaist
    I have 200 posts what happens to join the Commie Club?
  4. Kassad
    Great to hear!
  5. Hoxhaist
    I have sent questions to the Party for Socialism and Liberation and I am very pleased with their responses! I look forward to organizing for them on my college campus next year!!
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