Conversation Between DiaMat86 and Red_Struggle

  1. DiaMat86
    You're right, there are many lessons to be learned. I think it was the failure to implement communist social relations that led to the counter-revolution in the USSR not bureaucracy. The Soviet Union stopped moving leftward after WW2. This made it possible for the revisionists to move into the leadership. This process was mature before Stalins death (and Beria's murder). The communists of that era believed that communism would come spontaneously.

    For a good read "Long live the great proletarian cultural revolution" by weng wang

    All about the Soviet Revisionism.

    I saw your comments on the threads, you're right on for digging into those Trots. How can people admire such a person? No good communist would collaborate like he did.

  2. Red_Struggle
    What do you mean? Despite what the Trots say, the USSR made a lot of progress in terms of economic and social status. The anti-bureaucratic struggles weren't as effective as they should have been, but they weren't the result of some Stalinist bureaucracy.
    And Albania's application of Marxism-Leninism was even more advanced.
  3. DiaMat86
    Stalin believed socialism leads to communism, it doesn't. At least that's what history shows!
  4. DiaMat86
    Yes I'm with PLP. To be clear PLP, is not a "Stalinist" party so to speak. To understand the history of the soviet union one must wade through much anti-communist muck. Check out the PL website. Much info is there. If you have questions I will humbly try to answer. ciao!
  5. Red_Struggle
    Hey comrade, are you with the PLP?
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