Conversation Between synthesis and Wanted Man

  1. Wanted Man
    I've been reading the posts on racism, homophobia and prejudice in rap lyrics with some interest. I find it hard to take a particular side in it, but the first part of your post (about why the left is irrelevant) rang particularly true to me.

    All I can say is "damn right". It's a bloody shame that this is so. It's something that can be seen almost everywhere. All muslim people are "shit", activists of all stripes are "anti-working class ****s" because they failed to live up to some sort of standard, historical figures are "traitors" if they deviated from one side, or they were "counter-revolutionary bastards" to begin with...

    It's a bit saddening to read. It obviously doesn't represent the radical left movement in real life, but the elements of prejudice, moral judgement, discrimination, etc. can be seen in the real movement as well.
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