Conversation Between Brotto Rühle and Remus Bleys

  1. Brotto Rühle
    I have not, but you aren't an asshole haha.
  2. Remus Bleys
    Did you read my reply to you on democracy?
    I did not articulate my self correctly and rereading the things i wrote before that, I found out I came off as a bigger asshole than I really am.
  3. Brotto Rühle
    Hey dude, I think you should read this:

    Might be an eye opener about Lenin.
  4. Brotto Rühle
  5. Remus Bleys
    Unfortunately not yet. Im not really in a position for heavy reading right now though.
    So anything short?
  6. Brotto Rühle
    Gave you read any Otto Ruhle?
  7. Remus Bleys
    Let me expand:
    A lot of the stuff in "State and Revolution" is compatible. And is theory on class consciousness seems to be accurate to me (for at least first world conditions).
    For simplicity sake I agree with his distinction with socialism and communism.

    However, I usually take Luxemburg and traditional left com line over lenin.
  8. Remus Bleys
    I agree with a lot of his theory and definitions.

    I'll explain more later cuz Ive got to go to class.
  9. Brotto Rühle
    What keeps you interested in Lenin? (not being snooty, just curious)
  10. Remus Bleys
    I know you invision the dotp as being still in capitalist mode, but could you expand on that please? Like, what would you view it as.
    And what would the relation between proletariat and bourgeoisie look like (given that the dotp gives the proletariat political power, but capitalism gives the bourgeoisie economic power?)
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