Conversation Between aquaruis15000 and Ismail

  1. Ismail
    I replied in the article thread BTW. You should check out Hoxha's speech I linked to.
  2. No I believe that you are for worshiping him.
  3. Ismail
    So you believe Hoxha was insane?
  4. You literally cannot find a non Hoxhaite source anywhere that says the bunkers were useful or even understandable. Not one.
  5. Ismail
    Do you have a source for "every military authority in the world"? The Albanian defense doctrine was based on the National Liberation War, not on professional army defense. Bunkers would be used by civilians who had been trained to use weapons as a normal thing years prior.
  6. Doesn't really matter if rent was ten cents if there were no houses available, now does it?

    And literally every military authority in the world, including Enver's own, said the bunkers were absolutely worthless.
  7. Ismail
    I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and the fact that Albania and Greece were in a technical state of war (Ã la the DPRK and South Korea) until 1987.

    Also for what it's worth Albania had, to my knowledge, basically the lowest rents in the world for housing, just like Albania abolished taxation and had prices on many goods remain unchanged from the 1950's-80's, with only price reductions—not increases—occurring.
  8. Why did Hoxha build useless bunkers while people needed houses and roads? You worship a racist.
  9. Ismail
    I'm pretty sure Albania did more than construct bunkers.
  10. Ismail
    Maybe if Gingrich called Reagan a "tyrant" (as O'Donnell calls Hoxha) the analogy would fit better.
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