Conversation Between Dialectical Wizard and Ismail

  1. Ismail
    Perhaps, but not any time soon. I'd want to learn French before learning Albanian.
  2. Dialectical Wizard
    So are you planning to learn Albanian?
  3. Ismail
    Not unless I actually learned the language and could therefore cite Albanian-language materials, otherwise I'd just be paraphrasing what others have already written in English. For example there's a 1982 work of some 280 pages titled Revolucioni kinez (1925-1949) dhe zigzaget e politikës antimarksiste të Partisë Komuniste të Kinës (on Mao and the CPC), a four-volume Historia e Luftes Antifashiste Nacionalçlirimtare të popullit shqiptar on the National Liberation War totaling thousands of pages, etc.
  4. Dialectical Wizard
    Hi Ismail, I know you've written some wikipedia articles in the past. But would you ever consider writing a book on Soviet or Albanian history?
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