Conversation Between campesino and TheRedAnarchist23

  1. Most anti government people here are either left or anti-political.
    We do have a small fascist movement, but they haven't been gaining any strength, because we only got out of fascism on 1974. So there are many people alive who remember living in fascist Portugal. And we get bombarded with anti-fascist propaganda since very young.
    The result is a boom of the anarchist movement. You are much more likely to encouter an anarchist on the street than a fascist. The youth is filled with anarchists.
  2. campesino
    how many anti-government Portuguese are on the left, and how many are rightist. Are there any fascist in Portugal?
  3. People here have understood that voting is useless because it does not matter what party gets into power, the people will be in misery anyway.

    So we have a big anti-government sentiment here in Portugal.
  4. campesino
    why don't people vote in Portugal?
  5. You should delete the "delete my profile" messages before some admin sees them and decides to do it despite you being back.
  6. "where do you get anarchist posters, to print out? I'm thinking about printing pamphlets and putting them under car windshield wipers."

    Sorry for the late response, I made the panflets myself, using serif page plus (it is free), they were white A4 (standard size in Europe) sheets, in the title they said "anarquismo" (they were in portuguese) in big black letter, with information in the center in smaller black letters, and in bottom they would have the anarchist symbol (as a signature) also in black, in big size.

    I don't know if the program I mensioned lets you make pamflets.
  7. Btw, nice garden.

    I actually have a backyard with an apricot tree and a prune tree, also a deseased loquat tree (its fruit is all black).
  8. The rest is done like in Anarchist Spain, except we will try to win the war against counter-revolution this time.
  9. The way to revolution, I believe, is through teaching of anarchism to as many people as possible, so that when the revolution comes there will be many people who know what to do. This is fundamental to anarchist revolution.

    After the revolution gevernment will be dismatled, as it allways is, then we must ignore whoever tries to take power, organize into volunteer groups and colectivise all things productive, expecially the farms and bakeries. Those volunteers will ration the food.
    Then we must, of course, give houses to every homeless person, and make all property public, whille still letting people keep their possessions (like books, dishes, computers, tv, and other things like that).
  10. We beleive that it is useless to vote, because change cannot be brought form above, and because all authoritarian rule is ilegitimate.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 22