Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and Remus Bleys

  1. Remus Bleys
    What the fuck are you even talking about
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    Forming an independent political party that is opposed to flirtations (and especially coalitions) with bourgeois liberals, does that ring a bell? Heck, for a left-com like you, you should be grateful that the likes of him made better arguments against trade unionism than left-com writers on the subject!
  3. Remus Bleys
    The "let's use the bourgie state" that is class independence to you?
  4. Remus Bleys
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    Regarding the legacy of Ferdinand Lassalle, sir: Since when did the concepts and outcomes of class independence become anathema to left-communist theory?
  6. Remus Bleys
    i replied again.
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    Welcome to the group (and I answered).
  8. Remus Bleys
    I joined your third world caesarism and asked this question a couple days ago
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