Conversation Between artanis17 and El Chuncho

  1. El Chuncho
    I am glad that you will. I am sure you will enjoy it because it is a very revolutionary film...and fun!
  2. No I haven't seen that film... going to download now.. I m curious.. wanted to watch a good film thanks !
  3. El Chuncho
    Glad to hear you have applied. We are going through a period of great activity at the moment.

    Yes, Gian Maria Volonte is a great actor! Glad to see someone else here knows who he is. Have you seen 'Quien Sabe', comrade?
  4. I admire your avatar by the way I think Gian Maria Volonte was a leftist actor and he was a really good actor
  5. Hi, thanks for info I applied for marxist-leninist group membership
  6. El Chuncho
    Hi, comrade, you should join the Marxist-Leninist group to join in the discussions.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6