Conversation Between Kwisatz Haderach and ComradeMan

  1. ComradeMan
    Still around?
  2. Kwisatz Haderach
    Even if you can't use the state to change the state, at the very least you should be trying to destroy the existing state and abolish its laws - rather than just separating yourself from it.
  3. ComradeMan
    Do you think so? I suppose it depends on whether you can use the state to change the state- an old anarchist problem.
  4. Kwisatz Haderach
    As I understand it, Christian Anarchism advocates separation from mainstream society instead of an attempt to change society. Such a strategy is doomed to fail, and fail very badly.
  5. ComradeMan
    Hello there. What do you think about Christian Anarchism such as the Tolstoyan movement for example?
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