Conversation Between Rafiq and Rosa Lichtenstein

  1. Rosa Lichtenstein
    The same as Lenin and Marx's.
  2. Rafiq
    What are your views on Anarchism
  3. Rafiq
    Of course. As do I.
  4. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Thanks, but recall I fully accept Historical Materialism.
  5. Rafiq
    Oh I see.. By the way, you have a lot of convincing points regarding dialectics.
  6. Rosa Lichtenstein
    Indeed, I am a Trotskyist. Just as it is possible to respect Isaac Newton, but reject his mystical and alchemical persuits, the same is true of Lenin and Trotsky's work.
  7. Rafiq
    You're a Trotskyist? I thought you were Anti Dialetical Materialism..
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