Conversation Between ComradeMan and Rafiq

  1. Rafiq
    Not only that, it bothers me that so-called revolutionaries focus only on that particular conflict.
  2. ComradeMan
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion but the so-called "facts" posted here about Israel are just complete nonsense...
  3. Rafiq
    Yeah, apparently I'm just a Westerner who pretends to be Arab to deceive the masses and spread my Sinister zionist agenda to the forum.
  4. ComradeMan
    Be braced for a load of accusations of being a zionist now... but thanks, at least you understand kind of the point I am getting at and I presume you have far more personal knowledge of the Middle East too.
  5. Rafiq
    So when do you think you'll be unrestricted?
  6. Rafiq
    I didn't think I needed to?
  7. ComradeMan
    Then why didn't you- false socialist and two-faced oppurtunist that you are.
  8. Rafiq
    Oh dear, I wasn't aware I had the ability to fly over to Italy and say it directly towards you... I'm not very scared of posting comments on your profile, and I don't see what I have to lose doing it.
  9. ComradeMan
    "oppurtunistic scum"- Bourgeois socialist? Well, I can't find a Marx reference for you because he didn't talk about circus clowns. If you have something to say, say it directly and to my face not like a cowardly little piece of shit.
  10. Rafiq
    As I said before, my understanding of how "Abolish" is defined is perfectly exact. The Cuban government did not allow for religious icons to broadcast on state television. Christmas wasn't a national holiday. For example, Ramadan is not a national holiday in the united states, however, people still practice it.
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