Conversation Between Welshy and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Actually, I read quite a number of articles during the time I wrote my shorter theoretical pamphlet.
  2. The CVO always intrigued me, though I haven't much time to read any of their stuff yet. I've been really interested in how they differ with stalinists, trotskyists, and bordigists. Do you know anything of this difference?
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    That would be this group you were recalling re. M-L denunciations of Stalin and beyond:

    [But you're already a member ]
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    Would you be interested in asking any question about ortho-Marxist strategy here?
  5. thanks for the invite! Hopefully I will be able to add to the discussion!
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    You might be interested in joining the discussions of this group:
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