Conversation Between nvm and chimx

  1. chimx
    Me being a moderator has nothing to do with this. I am a local mod of worker actions and have no power to do anything to you. I have only suggested your removal on grounds of obscene sexism in my capacity as a CC member.
  2. dude you ve got it all wrong but anyways
    I honestly think that some moderators are not worthy of their position.
    Read my response to you and hey! I dont care if I get banned . If this is how you solve disagreements ,by baning people for no obvious reason but from your subjective sense of terminology and morality, then you are not worthy of your title of anarchist or moderator. You solve disagreements by using ideas not bureaucratic power.
  3. dude
    I specificaly said I am against domestic vioelnce
    Go to the thread and read my response
    so dot write bs if ur too lazy to read my posts
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