Conversation Between Blake's Baby and Remus Bleys

  1. Remus Bleys
    Turns out it did have info (reb found it) and I was just being an idiot .-.
    I am going to go ahead and say it was the fault of the piss poor layout of the site... yeah.
  2. Blake's Baby
    No worries. Glad to be of even minor assistance.
  3. Remus Bleys
    The title made me think it was going to be what I wanted. Turned out to be about China though, but it still works and is interesting.
  4. Remus Bleys
    yeah lol
  5. Blake's Baby
    You realise that was a Freudian Slip? You know it's a form of Leftism really.
  6. Remus Bleys
  7. Remus Bleys
    Although, it was more of a jab because I consider myself some form of leftism.
  8. Blake's Baby
    So; though he's the most famous Left Comm to non-Left Comms, he is actually a bit of a fringe figure I think for the Communist Left. The main groups of the Communist Left today, the ICT and the ICC, are both descended from 'non-Bordigist' currents of the Italian Left. The PCInts are pretty irrelevant outside of Italy.

    In short; I don't really think it's 'Leninism' as such; but there are problems with Bordigism; but it's a fringe current in the Communist Left anyway.

    Does that answer the question?
  9. Blake's Baby
    Bordiga is hard. How much is it 'really' Leninism, and how much was Bordiga using Lenin to justify his own positions? The Livorno Conference is generally held to be as important (or more so) than the foundation of the ComIntern, by the (various) PCInt(s). So perhaps it's not so 'Leninist' after all.

    On the other hand, Bordiga is very hard-line, which might be seen as 'Leninist'. He's an ultra-partyist, which goes against almost all other Left Communist currents. He's pretty much opposed to workers' councils, seeing them as a form of anarcho-syndicalism.

    But, there are problems with Bordigism, some of which go back to Bordiga. 'Red unions', and qualified support for some anti-imperialist struggles, are going back towards Leninist versions of Leftism.

  10. Remus Bleys
    "Absolutely. All variants of 'Leninism' (Bolshevik-Leninism = Trotskyism, or Marxist-Leninsm = Stalinism) are counter-revolutionary ideologies."

    Even Bordiga?
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