Conversation Between Blake's Baby and Remus Bleys

  1. Blake's Baby
    well, yeah, that was my point. The Palestinian Authority already persecutes Palestinians, and I'm for the unity of the Israeli and Palestinian working class, not division along ethnic or religious lines.

    It must have been so much easier in the 1920s, when Jewish and Palestinian workers were united against the British
  2. Remus Bleys
    I dig it. And i agree with you.
    I do believe many on the Left simply set aside the israeli working class, but those who don't typically set aside the palestinian working class.
    For whatever reason, this particular issue is very tricky and its hard to not come off as racist. I would say, though, that I am both anti-zionist and anti-"Palestinian National Liberation" as I highly doubt the Palestinian Bourgeoisie will treat the palestinian proletariat any better.
  3. Blake's Baby
    I was brought up in a very Jewish part of town, only a couple of hundred yards from the yeshiva, my neighbours were Jewish, half the kids who played in the park were Jewish, for a goy I'm not so bad. I get upset when people dehumanise Jews. Especially people on the so-called 'left'.

    But on the other hand, as in the WWII thread, I also get upset when people priviliege Jews (by claiming, for example, that their suffering was unique and therefore Jews have an extra authenticity about them).

    It's a hard path to steer.

    I try to defend the working class in Israel - Muslim, Jewish, Christian or atheist - against anyone who attacks it. And I try to defend the working class in the Palestinian Territories - Palestinian, Arab, or Druze, of whatever religion or none - against anyone who attacks it. That's all I can do.
  4. Remus Bleys
    *post on your own profile.
    God, i wish you could edit these things
  5. Remus Bleys
    Nevermind about the post.. it appears to have gone away.

    Hmm.. Well I suppose you are right about the "bad old jews." It's just a knee jerk reaction though, because it is typically zionists who say such things.
  6. Blake's Baby
    posted what on my own profile?

    I posted something about Poland (now deleted), answering Zukunftsmusik, not realising that you'd sent a message as well.

    On the 'bad old Jews'... I think calling for support for a unifie Palestinian resistance is a sign of antisemitism as it posits the idea that 'Palestinians as a people' have some special claim to some territory over 'Israelis as a people' (which I would reject, obviously) - and I also tend to see the manufactured concept of 'Israelis as a people' as being code for 'Jews'. So, yes, I think it's at the very lest 'structurally' antisemitic, even if Blake 3.17 doesn't recognise it.
  7. Remus Bleys
    the "just because you think they should be fighting all the bad old Jews?"
    Its a bit of a baseless accusation of antisemitism and conflates that israel = world jewish population. There are certainly cases of anti-zionism disguised as anti-semitism, but I do not believe this to be the case.

    Also, you appeared to have posted on your own profile.
  8. Blake's Baby
    What is it that bothers you there, Remus?
  9. Remus Bleys
    You give the example of Palestine. The Palestinian Authority still oppresses Palestinians. Why should 'nation trump class' there, should Palestinians not struggle against 'their own' government, just because you think they should all be fighting the bad old Jews?"
    this seriously bothers me. Can you please edit it?
  10. Blake's Baby
    Shocking website. The PCInts are really crap at technology. It's so hard to find useful stuff on their sites (which is there; but it's awfully difficult to access).
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