Conversation Between Vireya and Remus Bleys

  1. Remus Bleys
    It would be planned.
    Unless that you don't think people can look at trends and accurately predict what people need in the here and now. And if you think that, I'd wonder how the economy today functions (PROtip: It doesnt)
  2. Vireya
    I don't find that a non-market system can support an modern economy. How would you go about producing goods and compensating the labor of the workers?
  3. Remus Bleys
    And markets are superior how?
    Also, what's so great about currency?
  4. Vireya
    I'm not a homophobe. It's best to take each issue in isolation, and not make assumptions based on mainstream politics.

    I find prochoice to be incompatible with my views, I'll leave it at that.

    Why do I prefer mutualism over communism? For one it is market based, which is superior are resource distribution and production. Also it doesn't eliminate currency as a medium of exchange and labor remuneration.
  5. Remus Bleys
    Antisex people are usually homophobic.
    Also, safe sex education eliminates many of those issues that arise (though I'm not sure why destablizing families has anything to do with premarital sex)
    If your pantheist, why are you prolife?

    And with the mutualism, why do you view that as better than communism (not its utopian, give me actual reasons)
  6. Vireya
    Premarital sex increases the percentage of STD infections, unwanted pregnancy, increases the amount of women seeking abortions, destabilizes families.

    No, a socialist government wouldn't rape subdued territories, it'd simply reorganize it and then incorporate it.

    Well, my current outlook on socialism is intermediate between my own former third positionists views and those of anarcho-syndicalist acquaintances of mine. I will admit it has a passing semblance to Mutualism, since I essentially believe in a synthesis of market socialism and syndicalism. Thought I do have some influences from anarchism, I'm still rather statist in comparison to people here.

    Anti-gay? How am I anti-gay?

    No, I'm not religious (though, I'm a pantheist), I abhor organized religion in general. And beyond being sex negative, I wouldn't consider myself very rightwing at all.
  7. Remus Bleys
    Also, you appeared to be anti gay and anti bdsm, but that's. Fits your def.
    Do you have a religion?
    What else you socially right wing about?
  8. Remus Bleys
  9. Remus Bleys
    Well, I understand that view. However, why does premarital sex bother you?
    And I agree with you about the ussr. However, how could social imperialism spread socialism? Force these people to become states of the US? Wouldn't the federal govt show favoritism and just "rape" these places?

    Finally, what led you to market syndicalism (which sounds like something I wrote during my third positionist days, and doesn't really seem to differ from mutualism)?
  10. Vireya
    I consider proper sexuality to be only sex within a committed relationship, anything else is unacceptable.

    The Russians weren't serious socialists, they were charlatans. I am an avid socialist, and I don't feel coercion should be cast out as a means of reorganizing the world into a completely socialist civilization.
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