Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and BOZG

  1. BOZG
    Yes indeed, I am but a child compared to you.
  2. I can't believe you're only 27.
  3. I'm thinking of changing my username to Joseph. Thoughts?
  4. Only if you show me your other ball.
  5. BOZG
    Why don't you give me $20?
  6. Why do you never give me $5?
  7. You are dead to me.
  8. BOZG
    I've been busy with family stuff / avoiding the forums because I cringe when people discuss me / I check the forums with Tapatalk and that doesn't tell me about visitor messages.
  9. BOZG
    I am a moderator. You will only speak to me when you're spoken to!
  10. So I take it you're too good to talk to me now you're a moderator. You sell out!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 78
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