Conversation Between TheGodlessUtopian and John "Eh" MacDonald

  1. John "Eh" MacDonald
    Thanks for the link I finally got around to downloading some books today. Right now i'm reading volume 1 of the History of The Russian Revolution. cheers.
  2. TheGodlessUtopian various from what you decide to download.All together the full books usually take around a couple hundread MB.However you can download each chapter individualy,which doesn't take too much memory.
  3. John "Eh" MacDonald
    Actually yes I did, i only realized today. Thank you very much, the only problem is I own a net book, how much space would they take up?
  4. TheGodlessUtopian
    Hello comrade....did you ever get the link I sent you? You haven't responded but I think my computer might have messed up just before I sent it.If you didn't receive it just say so and I'll try to resend the link.
  5. John "Eh" MacDonald
    Right now, I've only been able to get my hands on the Communist Manifesto. I've been searching for others but my city/town is scarce for books that offer any knowledge of political theories other than democracy. It is very rare that I go to a bigger city also.
  6. TheGodlessUtopian
    Haha....I don't get drunk-ever.I,actually,have a very dim view on alcohol.

    What marxist literature have you read?
  7. John "Eh" MacDonald
    Haha, i must have been pretty drunk when i sent that. Good luck with Das Kapital i heard their quite lengthy. nice to see you hanging on.
  8. TheGodlessUtopian
    Haha...yeah no worries I'm still hanging left,I just have been kind distracted lately with some of the rethoric used here,plus school just started.So time has been passing rather quickly and other things seem to be taking over.

    Yeah I'm still Left (mostly).I actually just bought all three volumes of Marx's "Capital";I think It's slightly over my comprehension right now but oh well...I'll get through it.

    I am considering myself more Marxist everyday.

    Thanks for the message and ask whatever questions you want.I am going to try to be on more.
  9. John "Eh" MacDonald
    what's up comrade:P, i haven't seen a post/thread by you in a while, are you still hanging left, bro dude? A lot of the questions you ask I'm interested in too but never think to ask. BTW Dart and Shana FTW.
  10. TheGodlessUtopian
    No problem,we must stick together afterall (Besides whoever shares my interest in video games is a comrade of mine).
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11