Conversation Between FriendlyLocalViking and Universal Struggle

  1. FriendlyLocalViking
    What does that have to do with anything?

    Also, social-democrat =/= capitalist.
  2. Oh yes, we're very sorry for saving your arses from the IRA. Torturing people wasn't in Labour's constitution last time I checked, and last time I checked it wasn't politicians who tortured people, it was the police. Who are independent of the party in power.

    I don't have time to watch pro-terrorist propaganda. If I wanted to do that I'd switch on Al Jazeera.

    Funny you pick such a capitalist advocater to be your buddy

    fuck you
  3. FriendlyLocalViking
    Besides, slapping "anti working class" on something or someone you don't like doesn't make them so. It just makes you look like an idiot.
  4. FriendlyLocalViking
    Anti working class? Because I'm not you? If not being you makes me anti working class then I'm proudly so. I'd hate to be a deluded weirdo like you.
  5. (i.e. middle-class people aren't any different than the working class people they try to represent, other than that middle-class people usually completed school.)

    anti working class disgrace aint you
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