Conversation Between BIXX and Hit The North

  1. BIXX
    For one, because I feel bad for them. I can sympathize and empathize with people who have bad things happen to them. For two, because things like rape and abuse and ableism and other forms of oppression form crystallized structures (I think my anti-civ ideas would help clarify this if you want further clarification) which means that I must interact with those structures and the people involved in them in a certain way (which is determined by that structure). I am thus limited in my ability to express myself fully. Oppression is the limitation of an individual or community from being able to be self-propulsive. Therefore, if someone else is oppressed, everyone is. "An injury to one is an injury to all."
    Simply put, I personally would like to be self-propulsive.
  2. Hit The North
    Hey, Echoshock, if you don't think morals have a role to play in political struggle, why are you bothered about rape apologism and able-ism in those other threads?
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