Conversation Between EvigLidelse and Misanthrope

  1. Misanthrope
  2. Misanthrope
    Sorry for the lame response.

    I completely agree with that. I support any system that is based on legitimate voluntary agreement, I don't consider capitalism legitimate. I believe once the state is abolished townships, covenants, communes, ect. will adopt a wide variety of economic systems and practices. All of these are justified as long as they are voluntary.
  3. Misanthrope
    I agree with that.
  4. EvigLidelse
    Personally I view anarchism as a playfield, for mutualist, collectivist, individualist and communist collectives (amongst others) to coexist and compete. At what scale are you assuming that this mutualism transitional stage will take place, and at what scale do you suggest that your collectivist collective will exist?
  5. Misanthrope
    I believe mutualism would be the best and most practical transitional stage. I subscribe to a socioeconomic theory similar to Bakunin's collectivism. Democratically managed firms deciding wages based on how much time the workers contribute to the workplace.
  6. EvigLidelse
    Just a question - what signifies the "collectivism" part in your anarchism?
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