Conversation Between Buster Flynn and Prairie Fire

  1. Prairie Fire
    Happy New Year, Comrade.
  2. Prairie Fire
    Oh,we have safer spaces for discussion...

    I heard a short sample of Track #3, entitled "Comrade Enver Hoxha", and it was...okay. i'm not certain what the message is, if there is one? Are they pro Hoxha, or is their song a left-critique of the PPSH as "Authertaryanz" ?

    I figured they were going to do a techno/industrial remix of "Tungjatjetta" .
  3. Buster Flynn
    Hi comrade, thanks for letting me in, and I do appreciate the work that must go into maintaining what we call out here in California a "safe space" in which to discuss these things.

    As for Test Dept... I thought you'd never ask ;-)
    Allow me to direct your attention to "Unacceptable Face of Freedom" (1986), Track #3, entitled "Comrade Enver Hoxha"... and I suppose that dates me, in its way. The punchline (well, one of several, really): "Make the rich pay for the crisis." Hear, hear!

    Cheers! "Buster Flynn"
  4. Prairie Fire
    Where does Test Dept talk about Hoxha? any songs?
  5. Prairie Fire

    Read your reply, and it sounds good.

    Understand, i have to take precautions, as we've had a few troll breaches.

    I'll validate you.

    Prairie Fire
  6. Buster Flynn
    Hi there, comrade.... um, I replied to you, but I don't know if it shows up anywhere in your world, or just sits there on my visitor's page. Sorry to share my newbie blues with ya.... but check it out, if it hasnt already come to your attention.
  7. Prairie Fire

    You applied to join the Hoxhaist group...

    Tell me a bit more about yourself.

    Prairie Fire
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