Conversation Between ComradeMan and Lyev

  1. ComradeMan
    Expropriate- have a look at this
  2. ComradeMan
    No, no, no... there are a lot of good movements in Afghanistan but former CIA opium barons are not one of them.
  3. ComradeMan
    The Taliban are ex US lackeys, capitalists at heart, reactionay and have about as much interest in the "people" as a toadstool. They were formerly in the pay of the CIA too.... the list could go on and on...
  4. ComradeMan
    PS I saw that News thread about US troops. If it is true it is disgusting- but let's wait to see what the truth is- In any war the first victim is always the truth- you have to sort out the lies of one side from the lies of the other.
  5. ComradeMan
    Oh you deluded one.... they have got to you. The Taliban are part of imperialism- they are just squabbling with their old masterrs.... No leftist can support the Taliban....
  6. ComradeMan
    I'd also like to add. I hate how these forums gets so insulting and personal. No good faith is assumed and it's just sectarian shit all the time. We are all supposed to be more or less on the same side anyway for goodness sake. When the aliens come I am going to tell on everyone! LOL!!!
  7. ComradeMan
    Hey, thanks for the link. Just goes to prove what I have been saying. When Bobk and Sam-b started shouting about the Taliban as some part of the anti-imperialist resistance how misguided they were! The Taliban are just former US lackeys squabbling with their former masters. In many ways I believe that the US government operates on an international scale the same way as the mafia. Chomsky echoes these feelings to in "What Uncle Sam Really Wants"- that doesn't mean I hate the US or the American people- just frustrated by their bad governments.
  8. ComradeMan
    It was meant tongue in cheeck! I'm fine- what's new?
  9. ComradeMan
    How you doing? Do you think OI'ers should have more rights?
  10. ComradeMan
    Now you are being accused of being a troll too... see my page. Elementary school gang mentality at best,
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 26