Conversation Between Revolver and Popular Front of Judea

  1. Revolver
    Yup. There's also the People's Tribune, which is still published regularly even though it is not formally associated with LRNA. But yeah they still have a real time presence.
  2. Popular Front of Judea
    LRNA's web presence leaves something to be desired. But you are saying that it has a IRL presence despite that?
  3. Revolver
    Yeah, still kicking! But the role of the League is very different from the role of an ordinary political party, given that raising class consciousness within material struggles is at the forefront of the League's objective, and any kind of "party building" is at best of tertiary importance. But I can tell you that the League is very involved in the on-the-ground struggles across the country, and there are still active study groups and summer schools.

    If you want to learn more, I'd suggest Rally Camrades! to start:

    You might start with the Eighth Convention documents. And don't be put off by the references to fascism, it is a term of art used to describe merger of state and corporation. But you will get a feel for the central focus of the League, including the underlying importance of automation in the production process and the creation of the new class.
  4. Popular Front of Judea
    Hey could you tell me more about LRNA? Is it still a viable organization?
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