Conversation Between Solidarity and Geiseric

  1. he really does seem pissed off a bit
  2. hahaha. The more you talk about hoe Stalin was a moron the angrier he gets
  3. Geiseric
    I think I made him mad :S
  4. Yeah, reading books is better than the internet ill agree with you on that.
  5. Geiseric
    Well don't worry, they won't ever be important outside of the internet. It's honestly a waste of time arguing with them. You'll learn much more from directly reading Lenin, Marx, Engels, and Trotsky than going on this forum, trust me!
  6. They have a fucking Stalin fetish. How can anyone try and justify and follow that monstrous man?
  7. Geiseric
    Dude fuck it, i'm not going to reply any more to those cultists.
  8. Geiseric
    Yeah you can ignore all of that stuff though, that's the beauty of! I mean they have docs from the french revolution.
  9. That is soooooo awesome. But there is always a downside to it...stalinists
  10. Geiseric
    A personal friend of mine is the one who uploaded the Trotsky, Lenin, and a huge amount of the Marx archives. They even have stuff from the black panthers which is all fucking awesome, and honesty everybody who calls themself a "Communist."
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18