Conversation Between Tim Cornelis and Rising Sun

  1. Tim Cornelis
    Yeah, I blindly accept what people tell me about Al Assad. Except I was an advocate of the Ba'ath Party when I was younger, and inspired by it, and now--looking back on it--I can only conclude I was a fascist.
  2. i gues u agree with george bush sr who convinced the american people that the us needed to invade iraq because "saddam was a hitler". i'm done with you. stop talking to me and get a mind of your own you parrot
  3. Tim Cornelis
    Oh right, I'm going to make my avatar Mussolini and say "well I don't agree with evererytheeng he said".

    And sorry, I meant proto-fascist.
  4. also ill bite what is "quasi-fascist" you either are or your not. same as a communist. one is not "part communist"... such idiocy
  5. just because assad is on my avatar doesnt mean i agree with everything contrary to most of the left I dont look to figures in such a narrow way god forbid
  6. Tim Cornelis
    So it is fair to assume you just trollin' then.
  7. not even gonna bother with such inane question
  8. Tim Cornelis
    Do you actually support the quasi-fascist in your avatar?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8