Conversation Between Prairie Fire and danyboy27

  1. danyboy27
    just to show you how creazy it goes, we got a bunch of petty intellectual right now in quebec whining beccause we invited english speaking artist to our summer festival.

    and its like that 364 day a year, a bunch of snotty french elite whining about anything that isnt french.
    we got fucking regulation imposed by that bastard forcing radio to air at least 50% of french music, even tho the demand is in english.

    i live in a cultural berlin wall imposed by a bunch of snotty french speaking elite.
  2. Prairie Fire
    Yes, I'm aware of what it means. I use it frequently in my day to day cursing (it is used by other francophone cultures outside of Quebec).

    Well, Quebec Soveriegnty has merits....
  3. danyboy27
    haha, not bad. you said calice in the stalin thread, a common slang word in quebec for Damn.

    i dont speak michif, i speak english and french, Quebec french to be more accurate.

    Got a lot of nationalist down here who want the independence from canada.
    i am somehow used to sectarian bullshit beccause of that, some of us like to portrait themselves has a opressed people under the control of evil anglish speaking folk.
  4. Prairie Fire
    He he, Merci. J'suis pas Quebecois. Je suis un Metis. Parle vous Michif? lol
    (Pardon my spelling and grammer, please)
  5. danyboy27
    calice, c'es plein de guerre sectaire sur ce forum!
    bonjour de québec.
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