Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and Tim Cornelis

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    FYI: "I have noticed a tendency amongst orthodox Marxists to sympathise with social-democratic parties. I don't know what the reason for that is though. Can someone explain why you believe this to have a causal relationship?"

    Personally, it's a polemical stance on organizing structure within the reformist electoral litter box. It emphasizes the differences between Continental socialist organization and British Labourism that was and is based on the trade unions. The more open and "populist" Continental model isn't tied to the hip to the trade unions.

    As to how it applies to revolutionary organizations? Well, given the emergence of the precariat (class or no), the same divide presents itself, and unfortunately the CPGB itself promotes the Labourite model as the organizational basis of a future communist party.
  2. Tim Cornelis
    not really, I don't have a clearly defined ideology
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    Do I have it right this time, then?
  4. Tim Cornelis
    im not an anarcho-communist
  5. Die Neue Zeit
    You should have posted your "revolutionary socialism" neologism thread in Theory or a more serious forum. I committed this to posts and documents ages ago.
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Belated welcome to the group, comrade.
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    Finally, you're coming around to my position on party-movements. Check out Vernon Lidtke's Alternative Culture. The pre-war SPD model is the true basis of the far-left popularity you post of.
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