Conversation Between Workers-Control-Over-Prod and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    A new article is up for your reading pleasure. I thought I should have your global modship in the know.
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    Isn't that thread enough to chime in on the broader subject? If you have specific questions, perhaps you can ask me in that thread.
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Would you care to make a thread to go deeper into the subject of working class independent economic organization. Perhaps as well in the Revolutionary Marxist or OM group, vis a vis a more strategic, from-the-Party point of view.
    I haven't investigated the subject or thought much about it, but you've posted a few points that have got me interested.
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    Haven't read it yet.
  5. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Hey Comrade, have you ever gotten around to reading David Harvey's "Limits to Capital"? Was thinking of picking it off the shelf and diving in some more theory after going through a 300 page liberal-bourgeois, dishonest, capitalist propaganda book from my relative which I felt compelled to strenuously write all over and demask.
  6. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Care to join my usergroup?
  7. Die Neue Zeit
    That's what you get with even the best of pure historical accounts (i.e., no contemporary political conclusions).
  8. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    "Unequivocally, my favourite Parenti work is The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People’s History of Ancient Rome."

    Mine is Blackshirts and Reds, really influenced me a lot I think. I like The Assassination of Julius Ceasar as well, especially the first half and middle of the book. Felt like it lost its momentum towards the end.
  9. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
  10. Die Neue Zeit
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