Conversation Between Cultural Revolution and Palingenisis

  1. Nope...Getting mad out of it drunk all the time though might cause some problems...would it not?
  2. lol way to stereotype, do all drinkers sit around beating their wives?
  3. Because it funds criminals and turns people into dopes who sit around all day masturbating and watching cartoons.
  4. so why you against smoking weed?
  5. LOL....Nope Im not in England first off!
  6. why, you thinking of joining the cpgbml?
  7. i never met him, but ive spoken to a few cpgbml members, who have said he is an opportunist who throws support at itan and china, and stops the members from doing any on the ground militant work.

    And yeah same, but bailey says they are looking to start a maoist group.

    By the way, did scarlet send you a messgae bout a maoist group?
  8. Yes
  9. do you mean harpal brar cpgbml dinosaur?
  10. I wrote to them and never got a reply.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
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