Conversation Between BOZG and The Feral Underclass

  1. I have no idea. What anarchist night club in Hull?
  2. BOZG
    Yeah, he was. Thought it was for some "left" places. Is that anarchist nightclub still going in Hull?
  3. Did he used to be a bouncer? That explains a lot.
  4. Nothing in particular, he's just not a very warm, funny person.

    And communist_superhero.
  5. BOZG
    What was your original username?
  6. BOZG
    What did he do?
  7. Pscyho appears to becoming the new TAT...Only without a sense of humour. Ew.
  8. I love getting the little notifications.
  9. BOZG
    You spend far much time posting on walls.
  10. So true...Though I have a feeling it's gone.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 78
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