Conversation Between NewLeft and Luc

  1. NewLeft
    Oh no, do whatever you can to not fail it!! Bio is terrible!
  2. Luc

    ...the one thing I learn

    might fail it gotta take it again next year
  3. NewLeft
    Someone must of took SBI3U
  4. Luc
    cause viruses aren't alive, they're souless bastards :/
  5. NewLeft
    Still sick.. Y wont it leave me alone
  6. Luc
    so whats up?
  7. Luc

  8. NewLeft
    I fell for that before, I smacked my computer screen. lol
  9. Luc
    not gunna work I know its fake

    the other time worked cause I was going to sleep
  10. NewLeft
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 301
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